Page 100 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 100

Confront: Adultery (11:12-13:16) God brings covenant lawsuit for injustice, infidelity (11:12-12:2).
               Urging them to learn from Jacob’s life, God teaches dependence on Him (not our strength and strategy),
               disobedient to be judged exile (4-14). On prostitute (idolatry), God will personally attack, devour His
               own people (13:1-16). Call to Repentance (14:1-9)

                The prophet concludes with a call to repent- return (1-3). Then, God will heal waywardness and return
               His blessing (4-7). He is protector and provider (8-9). He ends with a challenge to the reader, whoever is
               wise, let him understand!

                                   The Book of Hosea

               JOEL: ‘YHWH is God’ Date: Unknown
               Setting: Exilic or Post-exilic (cf. “scattered,” 3:2-3) Theme: The Day of the LORD:
               Plague and Promise Message: God’s people must repent to escape His
               retribution and participate in His restoration!

               Plague: Current Catastrophe   (1:1-20)   Call to Alarm (1-12) Judah had just experienced a plague of epic
               proportion, wave after wave of locust leaving the land completely bare (1-7). Calling them to lament like
               a young bride bereaved of her husband, Joel urges the people “to be distressed because of your
               distress,” using a Hebrew ( ) שׁיבִ    וֹה wordplay to link their current condition to God’s call for contrition
               (8-12).   Call to Repentance (13-20) Joel calls for both the priests and the people to cry out to God for
               repentance, as the locust merely foreshadow the Almighty’s ( )◌ַׁ יד ַׁ◌  coming destruction ( , ◌ׁ 13    - דש
               18). “The day of the LORD is near!” Amidst all the emptiness, the prophet cries out to YHWH for help

               Plague: Coming Calamity (2:1-17) Call to Alarm (1-11) Judah will soon experience a judgment of epic
               proportion (1-2). “The day of the LORD is near!” Shaking the earth and darkening the skies (10-11),
               YHWH’s army will devour everything in its path, like fire and locust. It will be inescapable and irresistible
               (3-9). Call to Repentance (12-17) Joel calls for genuine repentance, reminding the people of God’s
               mercy, without presumption (12-14, cf. Ex. 34:6-7, Jon. 3:9).  He calls for a full assembly (none exempt)
               to plead for mercy and appeal to God’s renown.

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