Page 112 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 112

Study Section 14: 3 Minor Prophets (post-exilic)

               14.1 Connect

                           God does fulfill his word. He promised that he would bring back the Jews to their land from
                           the exile and he did it. These last three Minor Prophets prophecy to the remnant of the
                           house of Judah who came back from the exile…

               14.2 Objectives

                          1.  The student should be able to l discuss what these three books of the Minor Prophets are
                          all about.

                          2.  The student should be able to discuss the important questions such as: what, when,
                   where, how for each book.

                   3.  The student should be able to discuss the main message and main divisions of each individual
                   pre-post-exilic minor prophetic book.

                   4.  The student should be able to discuss the applications from these books.

               14.3 POST-EXILIC MINOR PROPHETS (3 books)

                               Introduction (This introduction was taken from the Old Testament Survey textbook written by Denis
                               J. Mock)

                               As mentioned earlier, the last three books of the Old Testament, the Minor Prophets
                               Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi fall in the Post-exilic period of Jewish history. The time
                               frame and historical context for these books provide us with a glimpse of the political,
               physical and spiritual condition of the remnant of Judah with returned from the Babylonian captivity,
               covering about 100 years from the decree of Cyrus in 538 BC to 420 BC. Haggai and Zechariah fit with
               Chapters 1-6 of the book of Ezra, dealing with the rebuilding of the temple between 536-515 BC during
               the first return from exile under Zerubbabel. Malachi corresponds to Nehemiah who led the third return
               in 444 BC to rebuild the city walls. Malachi focuses primarily on the spiritual condition of the people as
               the Old Testament closes and sets the stage for the coming of John the Baptist as the last Old Testament
               prophet 400 years later to announce Messiah.


               Prophet: Haggai, God’s prophet to the remnant

               Setting: Early post-exile (cf. Ezra 5:1)

               Date: 520 B.C., 4 months

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