Page 13 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 13

Can I trust the Bible?  Historical Proof of God’s Word

               2.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.  What is the Bible?

                       2.  What were the first bound books called?

                       3.  What are the divisions of the books of the Old Testament?

               4. The Bible consists of __________ books written by _______different authors over a period of
               ______________ years.

               5.  Distinguish between Special revelation and General revelation.

               6.  What is the Septuagint? And how does it defend the use of the word Biblia?

               7.  How can we understanding the meaning of the Bible?

               8-9.  What are the two other terms you can use in place of Pentateuch?

               10.  Using a detailed chart show the overview of the Old Testament history.

               2.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      What did the Bible mean to you before you read this information? What has changed after you
                      read this information? How do you intend to teach the Bible as God’s revelation of himself. How
                      do you plan to help people who have a hard time understanding the Bible? Find two people and
                      teach them what the Bible means and how it should be understood. Write out the results of
                      your coversation with the two people…

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