Page 7 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 7

Covenants in the Old Testament

               1.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1.  What is the Greek word for covenant and what does it mean?

                       2.  What is the Mosaic Covenant all about?

                       3.  What is fictive kinship?

               4. What is the significance of the New Covenant for believers today?

               5.  How was the NOAHIC covenant a type of Christ?

               6.  What is the significance of the Davidic Covenant?

               7.  Which passage in the Old Testament confirms the Abrahamic Covenant?

               1.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…
                      The New Covenant is significant because both Jew and Gentile are brought together by faith in
                      the Lord Jesus. In light of this truth, how do you intend to show this truth to everyone who does
                      not know the New covenant? Find three to four people and discuss what the new covenant
                      means. Ask them if they would like to be part of this covenant. Record the results. In the lines
                      below, provide the names of persons and the response they gave to your message.

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