Page 78 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook- short
P. 78

How to Read the Prophets

               10.4 Let’s Practice…

                          1.  Why are the Major Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel) referred
                          to as “major?”

                          2-4.  What three historical circumstances occupied the center stage of all the prophets’

               5-7.  What are the three prophetic forms of literature among the prophetic books?

               8-9.  The prophets also pronounced blessing to come to Israel in one of two forms.  What were they?

               10-11.  Describe at least two prophecies in the prophets that were fulfilled in Christ.

               10.5 Let’s personalize this lesson…

                      How long has it been since you read any of the books of prophecy?  The major prophets are a
                      handful to read but are filled with some amazing spiritual gems.  Why don’t you plan to start
                      ready the prophet Isaiah.  See if you can find verses about 1) the coming of the Messiah and 2)
                      about the nature of God (his characteristics).

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