Page 67 - Life of Christ w videos
P. 67

Study Section 12:  To Jerusalem and Triumphal Entry

                12.1 Connect.

                       Bible prophecy is a power testimony to the validity and accuracy of the Bible.  If someone can
                       tell you exactly what is going to happen tomorrow, you would have to admit that that person
                       had some connection to God, for only God knows the future.  Bible scholars have said there are
                       as many as one thousand different prophecies in the Bible, all relating to future history, and
                       many of them have already been fulfilled.  For example, Isaiah said there would come a king
               named Cyrus and he would release Israel from its Babylonian captivity.  Isaiah gave us his name 150
               years before he was even born (Isaiah 44:28)!

               Daniel describes the exact ebb and flow of four empires from Babylon to Medo-Persia to Greece to
               Rome.  He even foresaw the meteoric rise to power of the Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, as well
               as the final division of his Greek empire by four of his surviving generals (Daniel 7:6, 8:5–8, 11:2–4).

                Today we are going to look at another prophecy of Daniel, where he foretold the EXACT DATE when
               Jesus would enter Jerusalem and declare Himself as Messiah, 538 years before the event occurred.

                12.2 Objectives.

                    1.  The student should be able to describe several events that occurred on Jesus’ strategic journey
                    to Jerusalem.

                    2.  The student should be able to discuss the details of the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem
               as prophesized by Daniel.

                12.3   Jesus’ Strategic Route to Jerusalem and the Triumphal Entry (Luke 17:11, Mark
               10, Matthew 19 and John 12:1; John 12:1-11, Matthew 26:1-16, and Mark 14:1-11; Mark 11:1-
               19, Matthew 21:1-11, Luke 19:28-44, and John 12:12-19)

                        Luke 17:11 says that Jesus began His walk to Jerusalem taking a very strange route.  Luke says
                        that Jesus traveled between Samaria and Galilee.  Mark and Matthew inform us that from
                        there, He traveled down the Jordan River Valley to Perea.   Mark says that He crossed the
                        Jordan River and went on to Jericho.  And John says from there He travelled up to Bethany, just
                        outside of Jerusalem.  Along the journey Jesus healed many people and continued to teach His
                        disciples and the masses the truths of the Kingdom.  Children were brought to Jesus and He
               likened Heaven to those who like children, exhibit innocent faith.

               On their journey to Jerusalem, Jesus for the third time told his disciples privately what was going to
               happen when they arrived in Jerusalem.  He told them that He would be delivered over to the chief
               priests and teachers of the law and be condemned to death.  Then they would hand Him over to the
               Gentiles who would mock Him, spit on Him, flog Him, and finally kill Him.  He told them that after three
               days He would rise again.

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