Page 96 - Life of Christ w videos
P. 96
hanged himself and immediately entered a Christless eternity.
Herod Antipas had heard that Jesus could do amazing miracles. He tried to get Him to do one and asked
him multiple questions. Jesus would not answer him. In disgust, Herod had Jesus abused by the soldiers
and sent Him back to Pilate with a kingly robe.
Model of Herod Antipas’s Palace in Jerusalem next to Jaffa Gate
Pilate did not want to execute Jesus. In fact,
Pilate’s wife warned him to have nothing to do with this innocent man. He made several attempts to
placate the hatred of the Jewish leadership and release Jesus, including having Jesus scourged. When
the Jews threatened to tell Caesar that Pilate was willing to tolerate a seditionist in his province, Pilate
capitulated and turned Jesus over to be crucified. At about 6:00 AM, before most people had even
gotten up from their night’s sleep, Jesus was condemned to die by Roman crucifixion.
The Roman crucifixion was designed to make an example of the criminal, especially those who rebelled
against the power of Rome. They mercilessly beat the accused, and then made him carry his cross up
the hill from the fort area to a hill outside the city walls. They waited until all the city would be out and
could witness the event to suppress any who would consider a revolt against Rome.
16.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Why did the religious leaders arrest and try Jesus at night?
2. How does the cock crowing indicate that these are separate events?
3-7. State five of the seven reasons why the trial of Jesus was illegal:
8. Why was Herod Antipas willing to convene a trial of Jesus?
9. Why was Pilate willing to allow Jesus, whom he had numerous times declared innocent of crimes, to
be crucified?
16.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: On the map below, we need to add some more locations as we follow Jesus to the
cross. Add: