Page 17 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 17
14. Interpretation of tongues – A person with the gift of interpreting tongues could understand what a
tongues-speaker was saying even though he did not know the language that was being spoken. The
tongues interpreter would then communicate the message of the tongues speaker to everyone else, so
all could understand. This gift ceased with the cessation of tongues.
15. Helps – Closely related to the gift of mercy is the gift of helps. Those with the gift of helps are those
who can aid or render assistance to others in the church with compassion and grace. This has a broad
range of possibilities for application. Most importantly, this is the unique ability to identify those who
are struggling with doubt, fears, and other spiritual battles; to move toward those in spiritual need with
a kind word, an understanding and compassionate demeanor; and to speak scriptural truth that is both
convicting and loving.
So how can you know what your spiritual gift is? You may even have more than one! Dr. Roger Barrier
suggests five questions you can ask yourself to help you identify your spiritual gifts:
1. As I study how gifts operate in the Bible, do any resonate in my soul?
2. What do I enjoy doing?
3. What is the Holy Spirit telling me?
4. What ministry in my life is God blessing?
5. What gifts do others see operating in me?
As we are engaging in Christian service in obedience, others may see a gift in us long before we
ourselves are aware of it. Occasionally, others recognize that we don't possess a gift we think we have.
(Dr. Roger Barrier, How to Identify and Effectively Use Your Spiritual Gifts,
Basically as you begin to minister to others, you will receive feedback from them. You will begin to see
that you have been gifted in some areas and lack gifting in others. For example, if you have the gift of
teaching, you will enjoy both preparing a Bible lesson and delivering the message, and will have
outstanding feedback from those you teach. However, if that is not your gift, you will have great
difficulty in the process and the results will be lack luster, at best. It will become evident to you quickly
that the Holy Spirit has gifted you or not gifted you in a certain area of ministry simply by giving each
area a try.
Let’s Practice…
1. Based on Matthew 28:18-20 , Acts 2:42 and James 1:27 list the six priorities of the church:
2. How does God equip the members of the church to serve?
3. List the three main passages that list or describe the spiritual gifts granted by the Holy Spirit:
4. What is the main reason or purpose that the Holy Spirit gives these gifts to believers?