Page 30 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 30

8. In biblical terminology, pastors or elders,                             ,                                ,                            and  for
               the local church”.

               9.  List at least five qualifications of becoming a deacon:

               10.  What is the primary function of the office of deacon?

               11.  List five areas your study suggested where deacons can serve the body of Christ:

               12.  I Tim. 3:13 promises what to those who serve faithfully in the office of elder (pastor) or deacon?

               13.  What is important about creating other staff positions at the church (youth leader, children’s
               director, choir director, etc.).

               Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                      Do the policies of your church match those we learned about today in this lesson?  Which are
                      the same or similar, and which policies differ?

               If you could change some of your church’s policies, what would you change?

               Could you justify these changes with Scriptural backing?

               If so, how could God use you to bring about these changes?

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