Page 59 - The Church and Education PDF Pro
P. 59
3. What must the church or you personally give up when you borrow money?
4. God is under no obligation to pay our debts! How does this relate to a problem in borrowing money?
5. A third problem with borrowing is that the lender charges . This can be a
sizeable amount of money!
6. What is the fourth problem with borrowing that can blight the name of Christ?
7. How can borrowing deny God the opportunity to provide?
8. Please define church discipline:
9. What aspect of discipline does Hebrews 12:6 bring out?
10. What is the best passage of Scripture to guide the church regarding solving an offense?
11. If the offending party refuses to respond to church discipline, what is the final step?
11.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
How is what we have taught you about borrowing money different that what the world’s
system says about borrowing money?
Does your church practice church discipline? If so, what is the most recent
event where they did it?