Page 32 - Life of Christ - textbook (3)
P. 32
One of the sons of Herod the Great, Herod
Antipas, was made tetrarch of Galilee. He
rebuilt Sepphoris as his own capital. Josephus
the historian called the new city an
“Ornament of the Galilee.” It is speculated
that Joseph and Jesus might have done
construction work in Sepphoris. While we
think of Joseph as a “carpenter,” the word can
also be translated “stone cutter.” It is nearly
certain that Joseph and all of the boys of his
household – including Jesus – were skilled in
stonework. Jesus might have worked in this
area for several years, assisting Joseph in From the ruins of Sepphoris, one can see Nazareth on the distant hill top.
providing for his family. According to Luke With so much construction work going on so close to Nazareth, it is possible
8:1-4, Jesus was supported by several women, that Jesus helped build this city.
including “Joanna the wife of Chuza, the
manager of Herod’s household.” It is quite possible Chuza was running a household in Sepphoris, giving
even more credence to the idea that Jesus spent time in the city.
Sepphoris, the ancient capital of Galilee in the time of Jesus
John the Baptist (Matt. 3:1-12, Mark 1:1-8 and Luke 3:1-20), Jesus’ Baptist (Matt. 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11
and Luke 3:23-23), and the Temptation (Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13 and Luke 4:1-13).
John the Baptist John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry. The ministry of John the Baptist
in Matthew and Mark resembles that of Elijah in 2 kings 1:8. He was an Elijah-like figure who would
prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Luke dates the beginning of John’s ministry in the 15 year of