Page 32 - Life of Christ - textbook (3)
P. 32

The Temptation   All three Synoptic
               Gospels affirm that Jesus was led by
               the Spirit to face the question of what
               kind of Messiah He would be.  The
               order of the three temptations is
               different in Matthew and Luke.
               Matthew’s order moves toward a more
               logical climax: “turn stones into bread”;
               “throw Yourself from the temple”; “
               give you all things”.  Luke’s order
               makes the temple the last temptation
               and moves Jesus toward His destiny in
               Jerusalem – the cross.  Notice that
               Jesus responded to each temptation by
               quoting Scripture.  It was obvious Jesus      The Judean Wilderness – Location of the Temptation of Christ
               had memorized great portions of
               Scripture.  Jesus was teaching us how to combat Satan’s ploys:  Psalm 119:11 says, “I have stored up
               your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you”.

               Jesus was tempted in the wilderness of Judea which was filled with deep ravines, rocky terrain, and
                                                                            barren grades with scant
                                                                            vegetation.  The wilderness is miles
                                                                            and miles of desolate land,
                                                                            interrupted only by an occasional
                                                                            camel, a shepherd with his flock, or
                                                                            a group of Bedouin tents.  It is a dry
                                                                            and weary land where there is no
                                                                            food or water.  The fact that Jesus
                                                                            could survive there for 40 days
                                                                            speaks only of a miracle.

                      The Pinnacle of the Temple looking toward the Mt. of Olives

               5.4 Let’s Practice…

                      1. Explain why the genealogies of Jesus differ in Matthew and Luke.

                      2.  What was the purpose of including the genealogies in the Bible?

                      3.  Since Jesus was God on earth, He, as God, was “all-knowing”.  If this is true, why did Jesus
                      have to learn the Scriptures like we have to learn throughout our lives?

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