Page 129 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 129


               xii  Denis K mock, Introduction to Major Prophets. P. 193-196.
               xiii  Ibid, Introduction to Minor Prophets. P. 239
               xiv  Ibid, Introduction to Minor Prophets, Post-exilic. P. 294
               xvxv  Main Contributor. Dr. Brian Gault (Prof. of Old Testament and Hebrew at Columbia International University) for
               giving me permission to use most of his class notes for this Old Testament Survey. Forever grateful To God.
               xvi  IMAGE SOURCES (pictures, charts, figures, tables etc.)  and VIDEOS. Most of the videos, pictures and figures
               were from public or free domain sources. Others were taken with due permission and cited\acknowledged
               appropriately.  Most of the figures\tables were from Andrew E. Hill and John H. Walton, A Survey of the Old
               Testament (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2009), Denis J Mock, Old Testament Survey: Bible Training Center
               for Pastors (Atlanta, GA: International Bible society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible publishers. 1989)

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