Page 57 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 57

every tribe, David is united choice of the nation, omitting any divided rule Saul (11-12). With Zion as his
               political and religious center, YHWH established, exalted David over Israel and neighboring nation (13-
               14). Chapter’s 15-21 focuses on David’s Many Mighty Deeds. As cult leader, David brings the ark back to
               Jerusalem God’s presence, priests, praise (15-16, cf. Ps. 96, 105-106). YHWH makes covenant with
               David- peace, preeminence, progeny and posterity (17) and gives him victory (18-20). While David’s fall
               is a glaring omission- no Bathsheba, Amnon-Tamar, Absalom, Sheba, his failure to trust- census is
               recounted, setting stage for location of temple (21). Chapter’s 22-29 focuses on David Prepares for
               Succession Restating God’s promise of peace and posterity, David charges Solomon to build temple,
               gathering the materials (22) and organizing both the cult (23-26), political personnel (27). In the
               assembly, David urges Israel and its new king to fidelity, giving Solomon temple plans and provision,
               concluding with prayer for God to enable fidelity (28-29). The closing verses recount Solomon’s
               ascension and David’s death.

                Chapter’s 1-9 focuses on David’s Son: Solomon. Bracketed by Solomon’s prayer for wisdom, God’s
               provision of wisdom, wealth, wonder (1, 8-9), the main focus is on YHWH’s temple Solomon’s
               preparation, plans and prayer (2-7). The absence of his struggle power and sin, polygamy and
               polytheism, stresses the centrality of God’s presence and covenant promises of retribution
               blessing/curse, repentance!

               David’s Dynasty: Rehoboam-Jehoshaphat (10-20) Upon Solomon’s death, Israel’s kingdom is split
               sovereignty and responsibility! The focus is Judah, with theme- ‘YHWH is with you while you’re with
               him!’ (1) Rehoboam: strengthened by people seeking YHWH ways of David, judged for abandoning
               YHWH- Shishak, turned away His wrath by repentance- humble (10-12). (2) Abijah: depended on YHWH,
               defeated Israel (13). (3) Asa: If you seek Him, He will be found by you… reform and renewal rewarded
               with peace, if you forsake Him, He will forsake your reliance on alliance rewarded with war and disease
               (14-16). (4) Jehoshaphat: sought YHWH-eliminating idols, educating law, and strengthened ways of
               David. He depends on YHWH, defeats enemies; but when he aids wicked, he meets wrath and ruin (17-

               David’s Dynasty: Jehoram-Hezekiah (21-32) The focus is Judah, with the theme: ‘You have forsaken
               YHWH, He has forsaken you!’ (5) Jehoram: Ahab- idolatry, anger- invasion and illness (21). (6) Ahaziah:
               Ahab- ally, anger- assassinated (22). (7) Joash: saved- Athaliah, reforms/restore- Jehoiada,
               abandon/assassinate (d)- son/priest Zechariah (22-24). (8) Amaziah: not whole heart- depends and
               defeats departed and defeated (25). (9) Uzziah’s: as long as he sought YHWH, he succeeded power,
               pride, punished (26). (10) Jotham: powerful as he was pleasing to YHWH (27). (11) Ahaz: Ahab- adultery,
               spiritual and political, anger defeated/distress, Assyria (28) (12) Hezekiah: way of David, seeking YHWH
               with all heart, restores temple/worship, removes idolatry; depends on YHWH- Assyria, delivered; test,
               no fail- Babylon (29-32).

               David’s Dynasty: Manasseh-Exile (33-36) Out of love, YHWH persistently sent His prophets, but Judah
               despises His words until wrath! (13) Manasseh: evil like nations exiled; repentance, fidelity- restored.
               (14) Amon: evil, no repent- killed (33). (15) Josiah: ways of David, removes idolatry, restores temple-
               Passover, rediscovers Law, repents, renews covenant (34-35). (16) Josiah’s sons: Jehoahaz- evil, exiled to
               Egypt; Jehoiakim- evil, invaded- Babylon; Jehoiachin- evil, exiled to Babylon; Zedekiah- evil, no repent-
               exiled, Zion burned; Cyrus!

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