Page 63 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 63

Nehemiah 8-13 focuses on reforms.  When Ezra- Levites, publicly reads the Law, people weep and
               celebrate. Realizing their failure to obey, they alter the celebration of Booths reenact exodus/desert (8)
               After reading the Law, w/ confession and worship, Nehemiah prays to God, retelling Israel’s history,
               stressing God’s covenant promises and Israel’s disobedience, concluding w/ appeal for mercy (9). In
               sealing covenant, certain obligations are stressed: intermarriage, Sabbath, firstfruits (10), ending
               w/celebration to dedicate the wall. After priests and people are purified, praise is offered to God (12).
               [Gap] Nehemiah returns to initiate further reform: remove foreigners, restore tithe, and rebuke
               intermarriage (13).

                                   Ezra and Nehemiah


                                           The book of Esther is the last book of the historical books. The author
                                           and the date are not accurately known. However, most speculations
                                           seem to date the events in Persia (485-465 B.C). Themes include: Hidden
                                           Providence and Human Initiative Message: God is working to preserve
                                           His promises, using both hidden providence in the Persian court and
                                           human initiative among His own people!

               Esther chapter’s 1-2 focuses on Esther’s exaltation.  At end of 6-mo. display of riches and royal majesty,
               Xerxes throws a lavish party for all of the capital! He summons his queen, but she refuses to be eye-
               candy! (1) Worried about example, an enraged Xerxes deposes Vashti. King’s servants seek lovely virgin
               who pleases king! Lovely Esther race, relationship, radiance, taken pleases officials. 1-year cosmetics, 1-
               night with king, Esther- more love, grace, favor of all, crowned queen! [Mordecai hears plot, saves king,
               foreshadow] (2) Jews Endangered (3) when Xerxes elevates Haman, orders homage and Mordecai
               refuses to bow Jew, Haman is filled with fury. Conflict leads to racial hatred and a plot for genocide.
               With cunning, Haman depersonalizes Jews, deceives king- different and disobedient. With the royal seal,

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