Page 83 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 83

NAME         MEANING           DATE (BC)   TO               MESSAGE/THEME
                 Isaiah       Jehovah is        740-680    Pre-exilic  Judah   Glory of God revealed in suffering
                              salvation                                      servant messiah
                 Jeremiah     Jehovah throws    627-580    Pre –exilic  Judah   Too late for backslidden Judah to
                              down                                           repent and avoid judgment
                 Lamentations  Mourning         586        Pre-exilic        Jeremiah mourns over destruction of
                                                           Jerusalem         Jerusalem
                 Ezekiel      God strengthens   593-571    Exilic Judah      Glory of God leaves temple and
                                                                             returns in Millennial kingdom
                 Daniel       God is [my] judge   605-535   Exilic Judah     Sovereignty of God’s kingdom over
                                                                             earth’s kingdoms
                 Hosea        Salvation         755-715    Pre-exilic Israel   Gods unfailing covenant love to
                                                                             faithless Israel
                 Joel         Jehovah is God    835        Pre-exilic Israel-  The day of the lord –God settles
                                                           Judah             accounts for sin
                 Amos         Burden bearer     760-753    Pre- exilic Israel   Prepare to meet your God-woe to
                                                                             those at ease in zion
                 Obadiah      Worshipper of     840-830    Pre- exilic Edom   God curses those who curse Israel
                              Jehovah                                        and destroys the proud
                 Jonah        Dove              780-760    Pre-Exilic Assyria-  God’s compassion in bringing
                                                           Nineveh           salvation to the Gentiles
                 Micah        Who is like       735-700    Pre Exilic Judah   God is unique and requires justice ,
                              Jehovah                                        kindness ,and humility
                 Nahum        Comforter         650-620    Pre- Exilic Assyria-  God will punish all wickedness
                                                           Nineveh Babylon
                 Habakkuk     Embracer          609-605    Pre-Exilic Judah-   Why God ?The righteous shall live by
                                                           Babylon           faith
                 Zephaniah    Hidden by Jehovah  630-620   Pre-Exilic Judah   God’s judgment is both  retributive
                                                                             and redemptive
                 Haggai       Festive           520        Post-Exilic Judah-   Consider your ways- God’s work takes
                                                           remnant           priority
                 Zechariah    Jehovah           520-480    Post- Exilic Judah-   God’s promise of full restoration
                              remembers                    remnant           through messiah
                 Malachi      My message        430-420    Post- Exilic Judah -   Robbing God; prepare way for
                                                           remnant           messiah

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