Page 94 - Old Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 94

Sacking of the City (37-45, 52) Zedekiah is often warned of ruin: (1) Zedekiah asks for intervention- Isa
               36-37 God confirms capture, burning by Babylon.  (2) After Jeremiah is bound, Zedekiah inquires and he
               confirms Zion’s fall. (3) Jeremiah is saved from a cistern- foreigner, Zedekiah inquires again. He gives two
               options: go and live or stay and die (37-38). After 1½ year siege, Zedekiah fled, captured, sons killed,
               eyes gouged, exiled. Temple is burned, walls broken. Jeremiah is spared, freed (39-40, 52). Gedaliah is
               assassinated- God directs people to stay in land, but remnant disobeys, flees to Egypt. For their
               defiance- idols God promises annihilation Judah’s ruin brings great loss to God (40-45).

               Sentence Coming (46-51) In accord with God’s call, Jeremiah is also a prophet to the nations. With a
               message of judgment for Egypt, Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Edom, Syria, Kedar-Hazor, Elam and Babylon,
               God rebukes their pride, but for a few, surprisingly, He also foretells restoration. In the end, Israel’s
               Redeemer will repay Babylon’s pride with utter ruin- Sodom, restore Israel’s fortune, renew
               relationship-new covenant.

                                   The Book of Jeremiah


               Author: unknown, often ascribed to Jeremiah (LXX) Date: mid to late 6th c. B.C.
               (after Jerusalem’s destruction)

               Form: Acrostic (complete despair)

               Theme: Darkest Hour in Israel’s History

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