Page 26 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 26

Section 5:   Opposing Satan’s Plan for their Lives

                5.1 Connect

                           Did you know that in the USA, that of the Americans who consider themselves to be
                           Christian, 59% do not believe in the existence of Satan and 58% do not believe that the
                           Holy Spirit exists.   Shocking?  And we are talking about people who claim to be Christians!
                           The Bible tells us a lot about Satan and his desire to kill and destroy all that is good on the
               planet.  He is filled with wrath against God.  He seeks with all his energy to thwart the plans of Christians
               to desire to serve the Lord.

               Satan has been extremely successful throughout history, but never more so than today.  He is the god of
               this world, and controls the culture and through it, the thoughts of people everywhere.  Don’t be
               surprised if you discover that Satan has a plan for every young person in your youth group.  His plan is
               simple: don’t serve God with your life.  Serve anything or anyone else but God.  As a youth pastor, you’d
               better clearly understand his ploys and methods, for you will see it oppose you from every angle in your
               ministry.  Let’s get prepared…

               5.2 Objectives

                      1.  The student should be able to explain how Satan came into being and what his primary
                      activities are in today’s world.

                      2.  The student should be able to describe Satan’s plan for youth.

               5.3 Satan and Angels – their plans for youth

                         Angels, Satan, and Demons (fallen angels) are all creations of God
                         (Ps.148:2,5; Col.1:16).   They were created before the world was
                         created and before man was created (Job 38:6, 7).  When they
                         were originally created, they all were holy creatures and
                         obediently served God (Ezek.28:15; Jude 6).  They are personal
                         beings and have intellect (Matt.28:5; 1 Pet.1:12), emotions (Job
               38:7; Luke 2:13; 15:10), and will (Jude 6).

               Satan was a created angelic being.  He was created as part of the angelic realm (Eph.6:11,12; Ezek.24:18)
               and was the highest in rank of them all (Ezek.28:12-14).  Originally his angelic name was Lucifer or “Son
               of Morning.”  His ministry in heaven was to lead, as a song leader does, in worship and praise to the
               Lord Almighty.


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