Page 63 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 63

Are the Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit for Today?

               10.4 Let’s Practice…

                         1. Why is discipleship rooted in relationships?

                         2.  What is the foundation for discipleship?

                         3.  How long does it take to disciple a person?

               4.-7.  What three passages in Scripture give us a list of the Spiritual Gifts?

               8.  What passage in Scripture would tell us that the gift of tongues will pass away or cease.

               9.  Basically, how does a youth determine what gift of the Spirit they may possess?

               10.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                          Activity:  Create a plan for discipleship.  Let’s pretend.  You have a student who is interested
                          in becoming a missionary someday, but they have only been a Christian for a short time.
                          Write out a plan of discipleship that would encourage the student’s desired path.

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