Page 73 - Youth Discipleship Student Textbook
P. 73

Study Section 12:  Motivating youth / The Family Connection

                12.1 Connect

                           When New Years comes around each year, it is not uncommon to people to make
                           resolutions to make some changes in their lives.  Probably the most common one is to lose
                           weight.  They realize that it is not healthy to be overweight, so they make a promise to
                           themselves to lose it.  Unfortunately, most never lose a pound.  Or if they do, they soon
                           put the weight back on.  Why is this?

               The answer is simple.  They lack the motivation to accomplish their resolution.  If a person has enough
               reason to achieve something, they generally do.  So the key to propelling a person forward to
               accomplish his goals is to somehow strongly motivate him to do so.  Give him the desire and it can be

               A youth pastor has to motivate his youth toward godly goals.  So how can he do that?  Todays lesson is
               all about that.  Let’s learn together…

                12.2 Objectives

                      1.  The student should be able to list the general principles in motivating students to learn and
                      apply God’s Word to their lives.

                      2.  The student should be able to list some sample events that a youth minister could utilize in
               planning his program.

               3.  The student should be able to explain the importance of connecting the family with youth ministry.

                12.3 How to Motivate Youthful Students

                         The is no one set way to motivate a young person to move in the direction you desire for
                         them.  You have to pull each person’s unique chain.  However, there are some general
                         principles that can be learned that motivate the majority of youth.

                         1.  Set Goals

               People like goals.  It gives them something to shoot for in their lives.  Goals can be group goals or
               personal goals.  Ask them what they want to accomplish as a youth group.  They may look at you with
               blank stairs so have some possible suggestions for them.  As you work with them personally, have them
               set some personal goals.  Be sure to set a time frame for the goals and make sure they are doable.  It’s
               better to set smaller incremental goals that a huge goal over a longer period of time.  If you are trying to
               lose weight, setting a goal of losing 3 pounds this week is more likely to happen than setting a goal to
               lose 35 pounds in three months (both goals accomplish the same amount of weight loss).

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