Page 138 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 138


               Jude opens with the introduction and greeting (Jude 1–2), the author begins by explaining his reason for
               writing (3–4): He wants his readers to contend for the faith in its true form because false teachers are
               distorting it. The majority of the letter (5–16) is dedicated to describing and denouncing these opponents
               of the faith. The language that Jude uses in this section is similar to comments in 2 Peter (with 2 Peter
               perhaps drawing on Jude’s words). Jude characterizes the false teachers with examples from the Old
               Testament (5–7, 11), from nature (12–13), and from ancient writings outside the Bible (9, 14–15). 182

               Jude advises believers to build themselves up in faith, prayer, and love, and to help those whom the false
               teachers have led astray (17–23). The letter ends with a powerful statement called a doxology that praises
               the only God, our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord (24–25). 183

               •  Greeting (1–2)
               •  Purpose for writing (3–4)
               •  Judgment on false teachers (5–16)
               •  Exhortation to persevere (17–23)
               •  Doxology (24–25) 184

               How does Jude Impact our lives?

               Jude’s audience was deceived by false teachings that permitted things that were outside of God’s will and
               the proper order for people’s lives (what is healthy and good for them). What are some ways that the
               gospel is being compromised in your community or in the wider church by false teachings?
               Jude 22–23 provides a list of possible actions toward those who doubt. To whom in your life should you
               extend this mercy and how can you do so?

               Think carefully about the commands in Jude 20–21. Take inventory in three areas: 1) the health of your
               spiritual practices; 2) your communication with God; and 3) your sense of God’s love and presence. What
               are some ways that you’re personally lessening the message of Jesus in your life?

               Jude, like the rest of the Bible, shows us that God desires for us to be part of his story. We are meant to
               live each day like it is a new page in God’s grand plan for salvation, because it is. What about your life
               needs to change—right now—to align with God’s story? How can your life tell a better story that looks
               more like God’s story?


               The letter of Jude warned against those who, having gained admission to the church, were perverting
               the grace of God, denying “our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (v. 4). Jude used Old Testament
               examples to warn of these “blemishes” on the church. He wrote multiple denunciations of these
               ungodly people who “defile the flesh” and “reject authority” (v. 8). In contrast, he urged Christians to
               continue in godliness and love toward such people, convincing some, “snatching them out of the fire”

                       182  Barry, J. D., et al.
                       183  Ibid
                       184  Ibid
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143