Page 19 - New Testament Survey Student Textbook
P. 19

In which way does Luke impact our Lives?

               In what ways do you see God’s plan for the kingdom already here, but still unfolding in your life and around
               you? In what areas do you sense God’s invitation to come and join him in working out this plan, in enacting
               salvation today?

               The kingdom of God transcends society’s priorities as well as its boundaries. Are there areas in which you
               have aligned yourself with the wrong priorities—in terms of your time, activities, possessions, and
               actions? While reading Luke’s Gospel, what areas of your own life have you noticed that are not in line
               with kingdom priorities? What is your path forward to realign your life according to what the kingdom

               In the context of his day, Jesus spends a shockingly large amount of time ministering to the marginalized
               in his society. Do you think that this attention is incidental, or does it relate something specific about
               Jesus’ strategy and priorities (Hint: re-read Luke 4). In what ways could your priorities more align with

                                   Overview of Luke Chapters 1-9

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