Page 12 - History of Christianity - Student Textbook
P. 12
2.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Describe the first great persecution under Nero:
2. According to the list of Roman emperors who persecuted the early church, how many years did the
persecution continue?
3 - 7. Name and describe the five false philosophies that crept into the early church to challenge pure
8. Why was Justin Martyr’s life so significant?
9. What great contribution did Justin Martyr make in the recognition of the New Testament canon?
2.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Read again the account of Tacitus regarding the persecution of Christians living in Rome
during Nero’s day. If you were living there, do you think you could have endured the fate of many
of the believers in Rome? How would you stay strong under such great pressure?