Page 132 - History of Christianity - Student Textbook
P. 132
5. What policies did Billy Graham practice that caused such opposition to his ministry?
6. God took Billy Graham home at age 100. He preached his last sermon at around 96. His son and grandson
continue to preach in nation-wide crusades. Do you think God could use you in His service as He used Billy
24.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Modernism has its expression in our society in a number of ways. Let me give you a few, then I
want you to add to my list.
1. Evolution is a means of explaining the existence of the world without GOD.
2. Modern art is quite often an expression of formless productions without limits.
3. People live together without being married.
4. Homosexuality is on the rise.
5. Nothing is forbidden between two consenting individuals.
Now you add to the list….