Page 67 - History of Christianity - Student Textbook
P. 67
incident could ignite an explosion that would forever destroy the unity of the Roman Church – even such a small
incident as an obscure German priest protesting the sale of indulgences by posting his complaints against the
Church on a door in Wittenberg Germany.
St. Peter’s Basilica in
Rome was the center
of power for the
pope and Catholic
Church. It remains
so today.
The Forerunners of the Reformation
12.4 Let’s Practice…
1. What was the goal of humanism in the 16 century?
2. How did humanists promote the Renaissance Movement?
3. What were the characteristics of the Renaissance Movement?
4. Why was the fall of Constantinople a significant event in history?
5-8. Name four factors that led to the growing demand for reform among the church: