Page 82 - History of Christianity - Student Textbook
P. 82

12 Most Surprising Facts about Queen Elizabeth I

              15.4 Let’s Practice…

                        1.  What did Michael Servetus believe and what did his belief cost him?

                        2.  Why was Theodore Beza an important person in continuing the reformation?

                        3.  What were the major beliefs of the Anabaptists?

              4.  What doctrines were espoused by the Council of Trent in 1545-46?

              5.  In what ways did Roberto Bellarmine defend the Roman Catholic position?

              6.  Why did the Roman Catholic Church condemn Copernicus and Galileo?

              7.  What does cuius regio, eius religio—”whose reign, his religion” mean?

              8.  In what ways were the Catholic pope and Queen Elizabeth alike?

              15.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                        Activity:  It’s important to not only leave a legacy but to train someone who can continue your legacy.
                        I have seen many situations where a pastor left a church and the church basically fell apart, because
                        there was no one to stand in his place.  The Bible makes it clear that our duty is to train others, so
                        they can become equipped to then train others.  Are you busy investing your life in a person who can
                        take your place someday?  Describe that person and how you have trained him or her?

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