Page 10 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 10
is not a place to go to hear a man play the converted booze bottles. The church was never designed to
be a gimmick to attract people.”
3. Focus on Church Growth and not Evangelism. If people are coming to Christ as a result to the
activities of the believers in a church, the church obviously will grow in numbers. Church growth as a
result of evangelism and discipleship is healthy. But today, churches emphasize church growth and the
methods to achieve it are for the most part man-centered efforts. According to the Barna Group, 73% of
born again Christians believe that they have the personal responsibility to share their faith with lost
people they know, but in reality, only about half of those do. Only 52% of Christians in the US actually
shared their faith with someone else ONCE in a year. So since the majority of Christian are NOT sharing
their faith, church growth has to come from “attracting the lost” to the church. As mentioned in point
#2 above, churches tend to focus on what they can do to appeal to the world to bring them in, just to
say that their church is growing, and to provide funding for further growth.
To illustrate, in a recent article on steps to grow your church by a renowned pastor and leader in the
church-growth movement suggested the following ways to grow your church. Among the 8 steps, here
are five suggested:
1. The pastor must lead, not minister to his congregation.
2. Have multiple services appealing to people who have various music preferences and
choices of worship styles.
3. Hire specialized staff that can help grow your ministries.
4. Plan big days and big events around Easter, Christmas, etc.
5. Expand your facility to meet the needs.
Though Charles Spurgeon pre-dated the church growth movement, he was well aware of the temptation
to allow the world to influence the church. He said, “I believe that one reason why the church of God at
this present moment has so little influence over the world is because the world has so much influence
over the church.” And again, “The very church which the world likes best is sure to be that which God
2 Is Evangelism Going Out of Style?, Research Releases in Faith % Christianity, December, 2013
3 8 Steps to Grow Your Church by Pastor Rick Warren,