Page 24 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 24
other and will be unified in their mission.
Each local church must decide which form of government that it will create to make sure that Jesus
Christ is worshipped as Lord and that the community will see Him exalted.
Let’s Practice…
1. List the three major types of church polity:
2. Describe what is unique about each type of church government.
3. What two passages of Scripture give us a detailed list of requirements for the office of elder or pastor
and the office of deacon?
4. Why should we not build a doctrine for faith and practice based on an historical event in the Bible?
5. Which form of government is ruled out by the command of the apostles to the early church select
from among themselves deacons to serve?
6. List the three clear teachings of Scriptures of how a church should set up its form of government:
Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
What type of church government does your church practice?
How could your church improve its policies to become more Biblical in its polity?
Does your church carefully review the requirements for pastor (elder) and deacon before
making selections for holding those positions? How do they do that?