Page 30 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 30
Both Offices will be rewarded.
I Timothy 3:13 Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great
assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.
Clearly, the offices of elder and deacon are important in the church. Ministering to God’s people in word
and deed is a serious responsibility for a man to take on, and it should never be done lightly. A biblically
unqualified individual should not occupy either the office of elder or deacon; the church deserves
What about all the other offices and staff positions we now have in local churches today?
Since only two offices are mentioned in the New Testament, all these other staff positions that have
been created by the local churches are modern day inventions. Obviously, the elder(s) who lead the
church will be held accountable for any other leadership positions they create to oversee the church.
That is not to say that it is unbiblical to have a minister of music or youth pastor, but that these man-
made positions are to be under the leadership and scrutiny of the elder leadership of the church.
Let’s Practice…
1. What is the first and most important criterion for becoming a member of a local church?
2. Why is this requirement so important? (Please cite a verse)
3. What practice of the early church leads us to believe they were taking names (role) as they became a
part of the church?
4. Many churches require water baptism as a criterion for church membership? What Scriptural
support do these churches have?
5. Many churches today have multiple kinds of staff positions (youth pastor, children’s director, etc).
What staff positions are described in the Bible?
6. According to Paul, what was the primary role of the elders in the early church?
7. List at least seven of the requirements to become a pastor or elder: