Page 36 - The Church and Education Pro combined
P. 36
4. What percentage of church spending goes toward spreading the Gospel in the world (from
Christianity Today?)
5. Why is this statistic so alarming?
Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
The church is described as a functioning body in which its members are parts of that body. How
does this image of the church demonstate how important it is for all the members to function
using their spiritual gifts?
What happens if 20% of the members of the church do nothing?
What happens if there is division and disagreements among the body of Christ?
Chapter 7: Finances (continued)
You ever studied the Bible to find out how the 1 century church spent its money? You ever
looked into their priorities and compared them to the 20 century church’s priorities? I
wonder if the early church raised money like today’s churches. Did the early believers tithe
10% of their income and did the apostles tell them that their tithe belonged to the church?
And if they did not tithe, perhaps the apostles told them that they were robbing God, as
many 20 century pastors tell their churches today. Let’s take some time to look into
answering these and many other questions you might have about how to fund the activities of the
Early Church Spending