Page 18 - DELPHI E-CATALOG 2023
P. 18

D E L P H I   G R O U P


      Generator cab n and panel manufactur ng for generator compan es

      Shelves for compan es  n the storage and shelv ng systems  ndustry

      Sh p consoles for the sh pbu ld ng  ndustry

      Panels for the construct on  ndustry

      Elevator cab ns and connect on components for elevator compan es

      Automat on panels for electron c and automat on compan es

      Electr cal panels for electr cal compan es

      Compressor cab ns for compressor compan es

      Cool ng cab nets for lead ng compan es  n the cool ng systems sector

      Rack cab nets for IT f rms

      UPS cab nets for the power electron cs sector

      Mach ne bod es and chass s for the mach nery manufactur ng sector

      Pump cab ns for fuel automat on compan es

      Arcade mach ne cab nets for the gam ng  ndustry

      K osks for lead ng compan es  n the  nformat on technology sector

      Dev ce cab nets for compan es  nvolved  n the product on of med cal

      equ pment

      We offer laser cutt ng and bend ng serv ces to des gn and arch tecture

      f rms

     W W W . D E L P H I M E T A L . C O M / E N                                                      P A G E   1 8
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