Page 53 - 2020-2021 Brooks MS Yearbook
P. 53
How Leaves Change into your Favorite Autumn
When you think of autumn usually you would
think of how leaves change color. Have you ever
wondered why leaves change color or why you see
some trees that stay green? First I will tell you how and
why leaves change color. Then, I will tell you why trees
stay green in the fall.
The color of leaves change because of
day-light savings time. The reason leaves are green is
because of a chemical that is called chlorophyll. When
it's day-light savings time that means that the sun will
be out for a short period of time. Then the leaves will
get the signal to stop photosynthesis and that makes
the leaves turn red. The leaves turn orange or yellow Frostbite
because chlorophyll breaks down.
There are only four trees that stay green all The frost begins to cover the ground
year around. They are called Evergreen,pine,cedar,and As snowflakes conceal the ground, each an individual,
spruce trees. The reason they stay green is because
each so complex
they came from cold climates. This helps evergreens to Here I am inside just struggling to stay warm
have water, which is needed for photosynthesis. What is warmth really like?
I hope you learned a lot about how trees keep I wouldn’t know I couldn’t tell you
or change the color of their leaves.
As I come close to the fireplace I feel the emptiness
By: Kiara Rios warmth of the fire
The blaze so warm, yet so destructive, so numb
It reaches out to feel the cold
Regretting it being left scorched
Blaze so intense, so simple, so ethereal
The fire felt the freezing ice crystals
Feeling the ice slowly creep up
Getting colder, and colder
Feeling the warmth from your fingertips drain
Feeling the fire within your heart burn out
Letting the fire in is hard
Knowing how to let go of the cold is harder
By: Katherine Pajel