Page 18 - L&L Brochure Indesign
P. 18

2020: Product Offering and Solutions Guide


                                Beam Angle Calculation for Spot Size

            Distance From        4° Beam Angle         8° Beam Angle        10° Beam Angle       20° Beam Angle
               Lens (ft)          Diameter (ft)         Diameter (ft)         Diameter (ft)          Diameter
                   1                   0.06                  0.14                  0.18                  0.2
                   2                   0.14                  0.28                  0.34                  0.6
                   3                    0.2                  0.42                  0.52                 1.06

                   4                   0.28                  0.56                  0.7                  1.42
                   5                   0.34                  0.7                   0.88                 1.76
                   6                   0.42                  0.84                  1.04                 2.12
                   7                   0.48                  0.98                  1.22                 2.46
                   8                   0.56                  1.12                  1.4                  2.82
                   9                   0.62                  1.26                  1.58                 3.18
                   10                   0.7                  1.4                   1.74                 3.52
                   12                  0.84                  1.68                  2.1                  4.24

                   14                  0.98                  1.96                  2.44                 4.96
                   16                  1.12                  2.24                  2.8                  5.64
                   18                  1.26                  2.52                  3.14                 6.34
                   20                   1.4                  2.8                   3.5                  7.06
                   24                  1.68                  3.36                  4.2                  8.46
                   30                   2.1                  4.2                   5.24                10.58

         Table 1. An outline of spot size based on the beam angle of a radar device and the distance from the

        18                L&L Process Solutions l 3748 Industrial Park Drive, Mobile, Alabama 36693 l Phone: 1.251.660.8255 l Fax: +1.251.660.0869 l
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