P. 73
The John T. Ring Post No. 36 of the American Le-
gion was organized in 1939 with 35 charter members.
By the end of the first year the post had a membership
of 385. This tremendous membership drive won for the
first Commander, Grover C. Bodenhamer, life member-
ship in the American Legion. He served for five years
as National Membership Chairman and for two years as
District Commander. Another original officer was Kelly
Nance, Adjutant.
Activities of the post over the years have included:
Sending young people to Boys and Girls State, giving
several scholarships, helping to organize several other
posts, and, of course, working particularly with and for
veterans in emergency situations, especially helping them
to get in VA hospitals and honoring deceased comrades
Miss America, Colleen Kay Hutchins, of 1952 with at military funerals. The post has won several Distin-
Mayor John Flynt.
guished Service citations over the years.
Current membership in the post is 100. The present
officers are: Charles H. James, Commander; Chester Ted-
der, 1st Vice-Commander; 0. L. McCain, 2nd Vice-
Commander; Grover C. Bodenhamer, Adjutant and Ser-
vice Officer; Thomas Frank Smith, Chaplain; Grafton
Varner, Finance Officer and Arthur Flenchum, Sergeant-
Parks Chevrolet, Inc. was organized January 1967 and moved to its
new location August 1969. H ubert B. Park5 is the president.
Officers of the John T. Ring Post No. 36 of the American Legion circa
1944. From left to ri~ht: ·c1etus Morgan, Kenneth Greenfield, Grover C.
Bodenhamer, Noah \Vh1cker, James Pegram, lien Holder and John Tucker
The John T. Ring Post of The American Legion lead the Legion parade
in High Point in 1940. At the head of the parade is Mr. Arthur Joyce .
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Slate H)qhway 66
Term.- Burlinqton- 228-8224
High Point- lBS-4727
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