P. 9

surrounded  the  settlements  and  settlers  for  a  hundred                      William Dobson built an inn and store house where
      miles  around  fled  to  Bethabara  for  refuge.  Was  Caleb                 the  roads  crossed.  The  greater  of  these  roads  was  the
    · Story  among  them?  It  seems  very  likely.  A  number  of                 inter-colonial  stage  line  and  since  travel  was  increasing
      settlers were slain in  the  neighborhood and  at one point                  this  made  an  ideal  place  for  an  inn.  Guests  may  not
      the lndians surrounded  the  fort, then  suddenly  they dis-                 have  registered  in  those  days,  but  how  interesting  it
      appeared.  Later,  the  Moravians  learned  that the  Chero-                 would  be  if  we  had  a  record  of  those  who  came  and
      kees  had  been  frightened  away  by  the  ringing  of  their               went  and  some  "tales  of  a  wayside  inn."  We  do  know
      church bell  and  the  blowing of the  trumpet in  the  little
      fort.  In this  case  music had not. soothed, but had scared
      the  savage  breast!
           At  some  time  during  this  period  Caleb  Story  sold
                                                                                       The  Greenfield  hom e  on  South  Main  Street  w as  built  in  the  1860's
      his  land  to  one,  David  Morrow,  whose  name  indicates                  by  John  W.  Gentry,  an  early  m erchant  in  Kernersville,  who  married
                                                                                   Parmelia  Kerner,  daughter  of  John  Frederick  Kerner.  It  was  bought  by
      he  was  Irish  (or  Scotch-Irish)  too.  What  about  those                 John  Mabry  Greenfield  from  L exington,  North  Carolina  in  1881.  Mr.
                                                                                   Greenfield  came  to  Kernersville  to  go  in  the  tobacco  business  with  his
     four  gallons  of rum?  Two  traditions  have  it  that  Caleb                brother-in-law,  Theodore  E.  Kerner.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Greenfield  reared  seven
                                                                                   children  in  the  house  which  still  remains  in  the  family.
     Story purchased  his  land from  the Indians or that David
     Morrow  purchased  the  land  from  Caleb  Story  for  that
     consideration.  We  do  not  know,  but  we  do  kpow  that
     this  tradition has  become  a  part of our history  and  rum
     was certainly a commodity used  as  barter on the frontier.
          About  the  year  1771  our  third  hero,  William  Dob-
     son,  an  emigrant  from  Ireland,  bought  the  land  from
     David  Morrow.  William  Dobson must have  been a  man
     of means, a solid and respected  citizen.  He was a Justice
     of the Peace and is  also referred to as  "Captain Dobson".
     His son, William P.  Dobson, was elected  a representative
     from  our  county  to  the  State  Assembly  on  August  11,
     1814.  After  his  original  purchase  of  the  land,  William
     Dobson bought other tracts of land adjoining the original
     four  hundred  acres  until  the  tract  contained  1133  acres.

         Dobson's  Tavern  at  the  cross-
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