Page 26 - HUB Capabilities
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HUB Personal Insurance

           Put yourself at the center of a vast network of insurance and risk management experts focused
           exclusively on your unique needs.

           Private Client Advisory (PCA)

           When your business, professional and private interests intersect, your risks grow. You face
           complex issues that require the assistance of seasoned professionals. When you work with your
           HUB PCA Advisor, you can expect expert guidance and a customized, comprehensive insurance
           and risk management solution to help protect you, your family, and your valuable assets.

           Risk Management Consulting Services

           consultants can provide the security and crisis management expertise you need to reduce and
           respond to the threats

                        Phase 1                       Phase 2                        Phase 3

             Phase 1: Understand your      Phase 2: Deliver a Proposal     Phase 3: Proactively Manage
              needs and develop a risk         and Present Tailored
               management strategy.                  Solutions
             o  Review client needs &       o  Provide high level risk analysis  o  Understand and respond to client
                understand risk philosophy  o  Conceptual solutions (e.g.     needs
             o  Gather information and collect   program design, proposed   o  Provide prompt, responsive, world-
                                                                              class service
                data                           carriers, etc.)             o  Provide proactive communication
             o                              o  Obtain feedback on proposal    on salient risk and insurance issues
                program vs. needs           o  Confirm elements of program   o  Review existing program
             o  Research solutions and design   design                     o  Discuss changes and ensure that
                program                     o  Establish implementation date  risks are identified and addressed
             o  Develop presentation        o  Confirm service team        o  Provide options and make
                                            o  Provide complete program       recommendations for upcoming
                                               overview                       term
                                            o  Present summaries of        o  Review updated program
                                               insurance, insurance contracts   o  Confirm changes in coverage,
                                                                              premiums, policy terms etc.
                                               and billing information     o  Strengthen relationship
                                            o  Establish client service

                                                                                             The HUB Advantage  | 2021
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