Page 8 - Ray Millennia 2020
P. 8


                                 EDITORIAL DESK

                         “  E  V  E  R  Y  B  O  D  Y     I  S     T  A  L  E  N  T  E  D     B  E  C  A  U  S  E

             E  V  E  R  Y  B  O  D  Y     W  H  O     I  S     H  U  M  A  N     H  A  S     S  O  M  E  T  H  I  N  G     T  O
                                                   E  X  P  R  E  S  S  .  ”

         Dear Readers,

         Greetings to you all!

         It’s indeed true that very few of us have fully realised the wealth

         of sympathy, kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a

         child. The effort of every mentor is to tap the hidden reservoir of

         talent and values to unlock the treasure. At Millennium School,

         everyone strives indefatigably for this . The institution has been

         nurturing young minds with the belief that” The heart of the

         education is the education of the heart “.

         We are pleased to present to you the latest issue of the school

         magazine 'Ray Millennia'.

         We have tried to bring up an exhilarating flashback of the events

         and achievements.

         Happy reading !
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