Page 22 - History of the Dearborn Mineral Springs
P. 22
A superb marketer, he created a
brochure in which he touted that one
could drink the waters at Sanatoga
“without experiencing any sense of fullness or
discomfort. Its effect upon the kidneys is
marked and beneficial. One patient drank
twelve glasses within thirty minutes at the
Spring and afterward continued its use at the
rate of twelve glasses a day with the greatest
benefit in a severe case of scrofula [a
tuberculosis infection of the skin on the neck,
caused by a bacteria]. In cases of poison ivy the
soothing and healing effects are almost
miraculous…For divers poisons, for
inflammation and skin diseases it has proved a
patent remedy.”
Photo of Sanatoga Spring. 1898. Boy serving the
glass of water might be Walter’s son.