Page 47 - Three Adventures
P. 47

Deflator Mouse

          “Oh. Certainly. Thank you, sir.”
          Quite an emergency, and just in the nick of time. Dr. Wolfe was in
        the  doghouse.  He  had  been  met  at  the  entrance  to  his  office  that
        morning  by  two  of  Jack  Lampson’s  men  and  more-or-less  frog-
        marched  to  a  sound-proof  room  in  the  basement  of  the
        administration building. Beveledge had found the incriminating piece
        of  evidence  in  a  thick  dossier  containing  background  interviews
        conducted during routine security checks on Dr. Wolfe several years
          It was well past midnight when Captain Jack, his pH significantly
        altered  by  coffee  and  unprescribed  amphetamines,  had  heard  his
        colleague crow, “Eureka!”
          “Eh? You got something, Doctor?”
          “Why, yes, I do believe I do. I truly do believe I do.” Lampson
        noticed the manic gleam in Oscar’s eyes, and dared not hope beyond
        a closely-guarded optimism. “Here: let me recite the relevant passage
        to you, Captain Lampson. Listen to this; it’s the fifth-grade teacher of
        our own dear Dr. Ralph Wolfe: ‘He was a very bright boy, always first
        to  raise  his  hand  with  the  right  answer;  got  along  well  with  other
        children, as far as I know. The only disciplinary problem I ever had
        with him was after the first drop drill in our school. I remember he
        was  very  disturbed  after  I  explained  why  they  had  to  cover  their
        heads and turn away  from the  window.  For several  weeks he kept
        passing  notes  around  the  room;  he  thought  I  didn’t  see  who  was
        doing it, but children that age don’t know how to dissimulate. Oh, I
        don’t  remember  exactly  what  was  scribbled  on  those  notes;
        something  like  “You  looked  out  the  window,  Sally.  Boom!  Your
        eyeballs just melted.” No, I never confronted him with the pranks.
        You don’t want to traumatize a good student like that. He stopped
        doing it after a while.’’’
          Captain Jack had traced his buried jaw-line with thumb and fingers.
        “And  he  had  the  means  and  opportunity  to  commit  the  Deflator
        Mouse crimes?”
          “Yes,  yes,  of  course  he did.  We  wouldn’t  be  digging  this  deeply
        into his past otherwise. This is it: this is the clue we’ve been searching
        for! Ralph Wolfe is Deflator Mouse!”

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