Page 34 - Extraterrestrials, Foreign and Domestic
P. 34

Globe Rentals
                             (Fantastic Transactions 1, 1990)

          Swapping  out  a  sleep-cycle  for  a  bit  of  shopping,  Kithlumer
        wandered into a globe rental shop not far from his neighborhood
        It  was  tucked  away  behind  a  take-out  larva  stand  and  a  sheath
        rejuvenation  parlor,  but  enjoyed  a  brisk  trade  nonetheless.
        Kithlumer wobbled through the semipermeable portal and sought
          A salesperson, identified as Felnox by a glowing buccal tattoo,
        eructated  politely  and  approached  his  prospective  client.  “Clean
        brachia, my cohort,” he bleated, “and no slops in your crops.”
          Kithlumer,  unimpressed  by  excessive  formalities,  genuflected
        with  his  hindmost  limbs  only.  “Right,  right.”  He  blinked  and
        gawked at the shimmering globe displays darting about the shop,
        buzzing in and out of each shopper’s field of vision, halting long
        enough to unload a synoptic preview of their special attractions.
          Felnox continued, missing no beat.
          “Your fortune multiplies, my cohort: for new customers, today
        only,  the  first  globe  may  be  rented  at  half-price.  Just  in  from
        Erotronics,  ‘The  Cycles  of  Nurg’,  a  tour  of  the  breeding  planet
        recorded during the last great season of—”
          “Never mind that kind of stuff,”  Kithlumer clicked his  visors
        impatiently. “I’ve got a brood at home. Just bought a holon unit to
        keep them quiet.”
          The salesperson plucked a globe from its stand.
          “Ah, I’ve just the thing to occupy young minds: ‘Plasma Physics
        and  the  Structure  of  Spacetime  in  a  Supernova’.  Truly  amusing,
        and answers all those silly questions with which your brood has no
        doubt been pestering its parents.”
          Kithlumer  examined  the  sphere,  featureless  save  the  shop’s
        label. “All that information is really inside this thing?”
          Felnox reconsidered his approach. “So you haven’t yet had the
        experience of a holon? Well, let me explain.” He signaled, and a
        display  unit  positioned  itself  in  front  of  Kithlumer’s  hunkering
        bulk. “You see the schematic? Some actually correspond to entire

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