Page 47 - Extraterrestrials, Foreign and Domestic
P. 47

Anthropic Fallacies

        Zorbach,  perhaps  more  familiar  with  the  popular  cinematic  and
        literary forms of hypothetical extraterrestrial invaders, was all ears
        and overactive imagination.
          “I get it. They want their giant robots to plant little microchips
        in our heads so we’ll do their bidding.”
          “No,  no,  that’s  not  it.”  George  Buck  suppressed  laughter.
        “Various  components  of  the  alien  cybernetic  contingent,  acting
        through  our  project  team,  have  set  up  shop  in certain  locations
        around  the  country,  all  of  them  military  bases  the  public  never
        sees. They are building and testing various vehicles for use in their
        new environments; those are the ‘flying saucers’ and ‘rocket ships’
        people have spotted from time to time. It is our hope to pick up a
        few  tricks  of  the  trade  from  this  operation,  but  most  of  their
        metallurgy  and  electronics  are  totally  mystifying.  And  they
        obviously  are  programmed  not  to  give  away  any  of  their
        technology:  they  are  ethical  enough  to  leave  us  in  peace,  but
        cautious enough not to want us breathing down their necks for
        several lightyears.”
          “As  for  their  need  for  human  beings,  it  is  completely  non-
        threatening.  Under  the  guise  of  our  astronaut  training  program,
        dozens  of  young  men  and  women—unknown  to  them—were
        screened by alien devices back in the Sixties. Of those, a certain
        number  received  training  from  the  alien  data  banks.  They  are
        volunteers, willing to absorb the mindset of another species. Once
        their  indoctrination  begins,  they  are  beyond  our  authority.
        Whatever they are first taught, it instills a new loyalty in them to
        the  alien  venture.  True,  there  have  been  rejects,  but  they  have
        nothing of interest to tell us. Early on, some misguided officials
        attempted to foil the aliens’ game plan in various ways; they were
        firmly but gently expelled from the project. The volunteers paired
        off,  married  and  produced  a  generation  of  offspring  raised  as
        human beings with alien psychologies—at least to some extent: we
        are  not  sure  what  they  will  retain  of  our  culture  once  they  are
        quiesced and shipped out. Yes, they are the ones who will go, not
        their parents. They are now adults, and will soon depart. After this
        new  diaspora  has  been  launched,  the  original  pod  will  clean  up

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