Page 121 - Labelle Gramercy, On the Case
P. 121

Soaked to the Bone

        dumped them in a trash can at the airport early the next morning as
        he  left  town,  but  the  investigators  hadn’t  the  enthusiasm  or  the
        resources  to  troll  through  tons  of  refuse  in  hopes  of  snagging  a
        blood-stained track suit. The missing garments were glossed over at
        the trial, and the prosecutors ultimately lost the case.
          My  ruminations  terminated  as  we  began  the  ascent  up  Camino
        Costoso and Labelle spoke for the first time on the return trip.
          “The  police  would  appreciate  your  assistance  in  bringing  this
        inquiry to a rapid conclusion. If you agree that it is in your interest to
        do  so,  and  will  further  assent  to  keeping  anything  you  hear—
        including Mr. Little’s statements—to yourself, then I believe you can
        help me.”
          I  was  taken  aback.  Me,  a  police  informant?  A  member  of  the
        posse, sworn in by the sheriff and given a tin badge for the duration
        of the hunt?
          “It is unlikely that Mr. Fish allowed anyone into his house whom
        he  did  not  know.  You  also  know  that  particular  group  of  people
        whom I need to interview. They are coming to Fish’s house now; you
        may consider it an ad hoc police command post. Your presence when
        I  question  them  might  make  it  easier;  my  experience  with  show
        business people is that they are highly reactive and will inopportunely
        refuse to answer questions which are in no way accusatory.”
          Ha! I couldn’t believe a word of that: she just wanted a stalking
        horse, a turncoat who could smuggle her into the enemy camp. But
        she  was  right  about  my  interest.  My  job  at  Troglo  was  ruined  no
        matter what happened now, and I would have to leave with a totally
        undeserved stigma—after all, wasn’t I hired, to some extent, to keep
        Fish out of trouble?—making it impossible to get in the door at any
        other studio. I had to get myself out of this crisis clothed in as many
        shreds of credibility as possible. And then I could be the one who
        winds up knowing the inside story and could be coaxed into telling all
        for a tidy sum. I was certain I couldn’t be muzzled after it was over.
        A brand-new sugarplum vision went into its dance: Fishing for Clues: a
        Hollywood Horror Story, book and screenplay by Cora Sliner. Well, a girl
        has to have a career path, hasn’t she?
          With  as  much  reluctance  as  I  could  muster,  I  consented.  There
        were  risks,  after  all:  no  matter  how  much  innocence  I  feigned,  I

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