Page 97 - Labelle Gramercy, On the Case
P. 97


          Now  Ms.  Cornflower  was  on  firmer  ground.  “Certainly.
        TimeWarper  is  in  the  forefront  of  automated  solutions  to
        environmental control. The building, although constructed in 1994,
        did  not  use  software  that  was  Y2K-compliant.  The  vendor
        implementing that system was chosen by people no longer working
        here.  Our  department,  as  a  center  of  excellence,  is  responsible  for
        quality control in the testing of P&L’s program fixes.”
          Labelle was unfazed by all this cant. “Is it on schedule?”
          “The  testing?  Yes.  Vincent  and  Terry  have  been  meeting  their
          “No, I meant Pesado and Lejeune’s work.”
          Maisy grimaced. “You will have to talk to Bendan or Perry.  They
        deal with P&L. My deliverable is structured testing.”
          This  might  have  sounded  like  equivocation  to  an  outsider.  And
        listening to our employees’ response to Lieutenant Gramercy forced
        me to take a more objective view of Maisy’s reply than I ordinarily
        would. We called it CYA: cover your ass. Her carefully crafted role in
        the organization was being played smoothly, and she would cast no
        explicit aspersions on anyone else’s. I admired her ability to pass the
        buck. If ever I needed someone to re-arrange the deck chairs on the
        Titanic,  I  would  think  of  her  first.  The  corporation,  like  the
        ecosystem  and  the  polity,  was  there  to  be  plundered:  that  was  the
        good business-school attitude instilled in this younger generation of
        technocrats, and it created a selfish breed of amoral go-getters easily
        manipulated  by  their  superiors.  Middle  managers—and  certainly
        minor factota like Kates—should not be concerned with the ‘larger
        picture.’ The well-oiled engine of a successful business did not run on
        democratic debate. Its rank-and-file robots were cheerful as a matter
        of self-interest, following the example of their higher-ups. Kates was
        getting  rusty,  a  squeaky  wheel.  Had  he  been  questioning  the
        performance of P&L? I strained to recall what was in his personnel
        folder. Gripes about working conditions, compensation, promotions;
        definitely  more  than  most  employees.  But  the  company,  like  any
        family  or  fascist  state,  likes  to  have  dissent  localized  and  visible.
        Authority, revealed when necessary as the iron fist within the velvet
        glove,  needs  to  maintain  a  monopoly  on  the  means  of  coercion.
        Order is maintained by keeping questions unasked and independent

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