Page 44 - The Gluckman Occasonal Number Nine
P. 44

But the king burst out laughing. “That’s it!” he cried. “You gave
        the right answer. The job of prince consort is yours, young whatever-
        your-name-is. Citizens of Baublestein, hear my proclamation: a royal
        wedding  will  soon  take  place.  Now,  go  home.  The  competition  is
          People slowly filed out, chattering like squirrels about the amazing
        turn of events. The king finally looked at his daughter and saw that
        her fretting had ceased. She was so engrossed in her young man that
        she did not even notice her father removing the Rainbow Necklace
        from her shoulders.
          “You  won’t  need  this  anymore,”  said  King  Conundra.  “But  I

                                   THE END
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