Page 119 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 119

Arbor Vitae Cortex

        most flavors of liquid sunshine. I’m sure he had enough left in the
        bank to start his own distributorship once he discovered mine had
        somehow vanished.
          This adventure in enablement played out as sourly as it had begun.
        Not only had I started seriously questioning my ability to hold on to
        significant portions of the ever-increasing windfalls blown my way,
        but a seed of doubt had germinated in my own cerebellum. I didn’t
        know if it would sprout into a sturdy sapling or wither from neglect;
        it  was,  however,  the  first  time  I  wondered  if  I  really  had  the
        stomach—not necessarily the lack of conscience—to go on meddling
        in the affairs of people with potential to do great mischief. Perhaps I
        had  stumbled  on  the  paradox  of  the  unintended  consequences  of
        intentional inconsequentiality. Who knows what might or might not
        happen following any specific action or inaction? Such considerations
        lead you to a kind of situational ethics, at the mercy of your own half-
        recognized biases.
          Despite  my  disinterest  in  the  outcome  of  previous
        implementations  funded  secretly  by  Al  Magnus,  I  found  myself
        attentive  to  any  information  regarding  Tree  of  Life  Tonic.  As  the
        elixir  market  and  its  organs  of  aggrandizement  were  outside  my
        sphere of ordinary exposure, I was dependent on general sources of
        news  for  satisfaction  of  my  curiosity.  The  mills  of  the  gods  grind
        slowly, and so did those of Tunnelight Therapies. It was more than
        two years later that I learned what had happened. And I did not feel
        proud of my part in setting the wheels in motion.
          Predictably, once Betzaroff had produced a few thousand gallons
        of  his  bottled  brain-food,  he  set  about  spreading  its  name  far  and
        wide;  he  knew  the  drill  from  his  days  of  pushing  Iatrotropin  and
        Arrowmatic. The man could be Johnny Appleseed when the fervor
        was  upon  him.  So  the  magazines  and  health-food  shops  and
        counterculture  marketplaces  were  flooded  with  product  and
        promotional material—for about six months. When his name caught
        my eye in an article on ecological disaster, his tonic was mentioned
        merely as a necessary but indirect cause of the impending extinction
        of Hippocampus grandiceps.
          The cedar solution had indeed fallen flat. Its guiding principle did
        not. The absence of any documented benefit of the miraculous fluid
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