Page 20 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 20

Black Pinhole Nanofurnace

        the sale or licensing of anything you produce for the next five years,
        to the investors. If any of the terms herein are unacceptable, we are
        open to negotiating them, within reason. Our telephone number is
        on  the  title  page.  Please  give  this  proposal  careful  consideration.  I
        believe you will find it quite equitable, given the risks for all parties.”
          He took the document with trembling hands. “Two million,” he
        muttered. “I could hire an assistant, maybe two. Move this operation
        a few miles out of town. Get some custom testing equipment. Not a
        corporate R-and-D budget, but I don’t need any padding. I can run
        this  on  a  shoestring.”  He  focused  on  my  expectant,  smiling  face.
        “This  had  better  be  for  real,  Mister.  I  don’t  have  time  for  false
          Before  I  walked  in  the  door  he  had  time  for  nothing  else,  I
        thought—but said, “Take a couple of days, Dr. Aitkens, and examine
        our bona fides. You’ll find that Ishtar Investments is a stable, solvent
        company. We will  present you  with a check for the  advance when
        you sign the contract. We’re as anxious as you are to solve the energy
          I stood up to leave, but Lalo Aitkens was now a man repossessed.
        Clutching his ticket to Valhalla, he became extremely animated. Years
        of repressed monomania bubbled over.
          “Yes, yes, I will begin immediately. All the plans are here, in my
        notebooks  and  in  my  head:  I  can  prepare  the  nanofurnace  for  a
        tabletop  performance  in  six  months  once  I  get  a  new  laboratory.
        Energy crisis? That is only one-third of my worries. I’ve got plans for
        the other two—I’m sure you’ll want to fund them, too.”
          I wanted to leave, fearing  that the longer I stayed  the  more  his
        craziness  would  be  encouraged.  It  would  be  disastrous  were  he  to
        insist  on  expanding  the  scope  of  my  involvement.  My  writ  was  to
        subsidize one blocked project, not every oddball scheme this guy had
        ever hatched. But I couldn’t escape immediately.
          “Listen,  Mr.  Sellers,”  Aitkens  emoted  dramatically,  verbally
        buttonholing  me.  “What  mankind  has  already  taken  out  of  the
        ground  and  burned  is  a  fact  that  cannot  be  undone  without  bold
        action. The nanofurnace will halt further release of ignition emission,
        but we can undertake two more  large-scale  operations to right our
        global imbalance and preserve humanity. First, carbon sequestration:
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