Page 30 - The Gluckman Occasional 7
P. 30

I’ve seen a lot of guys crack up in these countries: the heat, the
          isolation,  the  boredom.  You  know:  you’ve  been  in  places  like

          Anyway, it seems that this all-American boy was minding his own
          business in a sidewalk café down on the beach in Santa Monica.
          Yeah,  in  California!  How  many  Santa  Monicas  are  there?  All
          right.  Sorry,  sorry.  You  want  another  beer?  It’s  on  me.  Hey,
          amigo! Otra dos cervezas, okay? This place stinks, but the beer is
          ice-cold.  Getting  back  to  this  guy’s  story,  he  was  sitting  there
          having  a  hamburger  when  this  chick  walked  up  and  sat  down
          right next to him.

          Yeah, yeah, I should be so lucky, too! But this guy was used to
          having the women fall all over him, so he played it cool. He let
          her do all the talking. She was about his age, sort of dark, and
          spoke English with an accent. Now get this: our boy wasn’t just
          your average beach bum. Oh, no. He had gotten a few bit parts in
          films. That’s what he said, not “movies” but “films.” Don’t ask
          me which ones, because they weren’t big Hollywood productions.
          In fact, he admitted they were low-budget porno movies he did
          just for the kicks and the money. So this girl came on with how
          she had seen him in one of those skin-flicks, and how much she
          admired his acting ability.

          Ha-ha-ha! You said it! Naw, he told me all that with a straight
          face. I mean, he was used to this kind of approach and he didn’t
          think twice about any of it. Now get this: next she tells him she’s
          a foreign student at UCLA in the film department. Her visa has
          run out and she’s going back home in a few days, but she intends
          to make a movie when she gets there.  Her family is extremely
          wealthy, she says, and she  will be able to hire American actors
          and technicians at very high salaries, all expenses paid, to come
          over and work on her project for a couple of weeks.

          Sounds  pretty  good,  eh?  Well,  he  asks  her  about  the  part.  She
          says  it’s  about  an  American  guy  working  on  an  oil-rig  in  the
          Persian  Gulf  who  falls  in  love  with  an  Arabian  princess  he
          happens to rescue from some terrorists. The name of the movie
          is  going  to  be  ‘Oil  Boy’.  According  to  him,  he  thought  it  was
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