Page 54 - New Year's cards
P. 54

Deployed: first panel.                 Deployed: second panel.


           Observe: the year has come to pass;
           It’s time to see that raised our glass
           Reflects half-empty or half-full
           The sad or happy face we pull.

           Midnight celebrant or mourner:
           Spin the axis, turn the corner--
           Pour anew the means to measure
           Fortune’s flips of pain and pleasure.

        Note: the card is intended to mock the function of an hourglass in
        the hands of its recipient. After folding, the two sides represent the
        end  of  the  old  year  (completely  drained)  and  the  beginning  of  the
        new  year  (fully  charged)  halves  of  the  hourglass—black  for  sand,
        white for empty space. The recipient must turn the card upside down
        to read it, going from 12/31/2011 to 1/1/2012 in imitation of the
        motion of resetting an hourglass.
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