Page 4 - Aerostat
P. 4

If in Poland people speak Polish
           And in England they speak English,

           Then in Owland it’s Owlish,
           And in Purpland it’s Purplish,
           And in Styland it’s Stylish,
           And in Publand it’s Publish;

           In Deviland Devilish,
           In Reland Relish,
           In Bruteland Brutish,
           In Ghouland Ghoulish;

           Kittenland Kittenish,
           Tickland Ticklish,
           Girland Girlish,
           And Fooland Foolish.

                                         There’s a teamster,
                                         But no teamstress;
                                         Nor a seamster—
                                         Just a seamstress.

           No man
           Is an
           Nor is
           My land
           Is not
           No man’s.

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