Page 167 - The Legacy of Abraham Rothstein - text
P. 167

A new baby and a new business

           Fannie and I did not get many amusements. Once in a great while
        we used to go on a Sunday to Tally’s moving picture theatre, which
        was considered a high-class show. Who ever heard of baby sitters?
        After  nine  o’clock  in  the  evening  the  streets  used  to  be  deserted,
        except  on  New  Year’s  Eve  when  a  crowd  on  Broadway  between
        Third and Seventh streets blew horns, and a few of them got drunk. I
        used to get free tickets to the Burbank Theatre, which was then the
        theatre  in  Los  Angeles,  but  I  either  had  to  go  there  by  myself  or
        Fannie with another woman, as we had not discovered at that time
        the accommodating baby sitters.

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